Jul 25, 2018 | Carolina NEWS!
Not content with (takes a deep breath); martial arts, diving, archery, shooting guns, horseriding, sky-diving, ballet and more recently, knife juggling (if you follow her on Instagram). Our multi-talented Carolina spent the last couple of days in the Swiss Alps...
May 28, 2018 | Carolina NEWS!
Carolina recently visited the London studios of Nicholas Dawkes, the specialist headshot photographer to the entertainment industry. We think that Nicholas captured Carolina beautifully. Here is what he had to say about the shoot on Facebook… Visit the new...
Mar 25, 2018 | Carolina NEWS!
Carolina is currently taking some well-earned time out from filming (and fighting) in Bangkok to rest and have some “me time”. But instead of doing what you or I would normally do (hit the beach and relax with a mojito), our action heroine goes horse riding at San...
Feb 27, 2018 | Carolina NEWS!
Check out the new gallery on the photo page for stunning images of Carolina in Rome (at Singita Miracle Beach by day and in the city at night) taken by Italian photographer Ben Finocchiaro. This is a very different set of images that we are used to seeing of...
Dec 24, 2017 | Carolina NEWS!
We like to wish all our fans and followers a very Merry Christmas and hope that the season brings joy and peace to your homes. Carolina is in Bangkok and missing the snow from her homeland, but obviously very happy to be shooting her latest film “God’s...
Nov 20, 2017 | Carolina NEWS!
You may have seen her latest posts stating that Carolina is currently shooting a very demanding action movie in Bangkok? We can confirm that in this latest exciting film project, our heroine is actually playing the female lead role as God’s soldier – GINA....