Given Scandinavia’s long, dark winters, it’s not surprising that the arrival of summer is a big deal throughout the Nordic countries. In Sweden, Midsummer’s Eve is one of the most important days of the year, rivalling Christmas with its festive spirit and traditions. Back in 1952 the clever Swedish Parliament decided that Midsummer should always be celebrated on a weekend. As a result, the observance of Midsummer now varies between June 20 and 26. During the festivities the locals get together and dance around a May pole – and yes they know its’s JUNE! As it turns out, the maypole is a comparatively new part of Swedish Midsummer tradition. It came to Sweden in the late Middle Ages from Germany, where the pole was decorated with leaves and raised on May 1 (hence the name). Since spring comes later to Sweden it was hard to find the greenery to decorate the pole on May 1, so the tradition was moved to Midsummer.
Carolina was also celebrating with her family this year as you can see from the wonderful photo capturing her in bloom(s).
More details and lovely images of Swedish people actually having FUN at this site: